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Happy story: Larry+Elena

Date: 2005-05-21

Happy story: Larry+Elena

Exactly a month ago on April, 2005 Larry and Elena were married in the US.

This is their story: Larry had just been divorced and was surfing the web and accidentally came across a reference to Russian Brides. Being a curious man, he logged onto Chance for Love to look at the posted photos of Russian women.

As soon as he saw the photo and profile of Elena K. from Ukraine, he knew he must meet her. They corresponded for a few months and Larry had a few personal problems and had to stop writing. After a few weeks, he wrote to Elena again and discovered that she had not given her heart to anyone else in the meantime. They made arrangements to meet in Nikolaev in September 2004.

Larry flew to Nikolaev and they spent 7 wonderful days together. He presented her with an engagement ring after the first day together. They completed all documentation and Elena flew to New York, where Larry met her on March 4th.

They were married on April 21st, and are now living in Clarksville, TN. They would like to thank Vartan, Oleg, Irina, and Lyuda at the agency in Nikolaev for all their assistance in bringing them together. (ôîòî ìîæíî ñþäà?)

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