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Russian's Opinions on Russia

34% -Russia "is moving in the right direction" (in February the figure was 40%)
47% - Russia "is moving along the wrong path" (in February -- 44%),
19% - Haddifficulty answering (in February -- 16%).

5% - completely satisfied with what is happening in the country,
25% -satisfied for the most part,
71% are not entirely satisfied or are not satisfied at all.

24% - satisfied with the leadership's economic course
71% - unsatisfied with the leadership's economic course

13% - satisfied with the moral and ethical state of the country
84% - unsatisfied with the moral and ethical state of the country

"Which of following policies are most important to your family?" (four to five answers allowed)
68% - development of domestic production
40% - strengthening of the country's defense capability
40% - protection of the domestic producer
38% - preservation of Russia's status as a "great power"
27% - development and advancement of Russian goods on the world market
12%- development and strengthening of democracy and freedom of speech
12% - creation of an open, competitive economy
8% - strengthening of the vertical structure of power
7% -difficultto answer

"What will the future president of Russia who replaces Vladimir Putin in this post do?"
40% - "he will do the same thing as Putin has done"
22% -"he will devote more attention to the needs of ordinary people"
15% - "he will manage to restore Russia's status as a great world power"
12% - "he will eliminate degradations of Russians in their own country"
10% - "he will "tighten the screws" and establish strict order in the country"
9% - "he will develop the initiative and responsibility of citizens"
5% - "he will restore the democratic rights and freedoms lost recently"
5% - "he will return the country to the path of socialism"
23% - "I havedifficulty answering"

"What problems should the new president of Russia focus on?"
72% - ensuring economic growth and an upsurge in the country's economy
55% -imposing order in the country and strengthening the law
62% - restoring social justice and improving the lives of ordinary people
13% - strengthening democracy and protecting the individual's rights and freedoms
19% - strengthening Russia's position in the international arena
24% - strengthening the country's defense capability
31% - developing science, culture, and education
12% - smoothing out inter-ethnic conflicts and fighting ethnic intolerance
39% - fighting crime
6% - ensuring the inviolability of private property and stimulating private enterprise
17%- promoting the spiritual revival of the motherland
16% - protecting the environment
1% -difficultto answer

Source: Yuriy Levada Analytical Center

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