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Russian phrasebook: How to tell your lady to marry you in tender Russian words

Will you marry me? Òû âûéäåøü çà ìåíÿ? Ti viy-desh za me-nyA?
I want you to be my wife. Õî÷ó, ÷òîáû òû ñòàëà ìîåé æåíîé. HachU, chto-bee tee stA-la mo-yEy zshe-nOy.
Let's get married. Äàâàé ïîæåíèìñÿ. Da-vAy pa-zshE-nim-sya.
I love you very much and ask you to be my wife. ß î÷åíü ëþáëþ òåáÿ è ïðîøó ñòàòü ìîåé æåíîé. Ya O-chen' lyub-lyU te-byA I pra-shU stat' ma-yEy zshe-nOy.
All I want is you were my wife. Âñ¸ ÷åãî ÿ õî÷ó - ÷òîáû òû ñòàëà ìîåé æåíîé. VsyO, che-vO ya ha-chU, chto-bee tee stA-la ma-yEy zshe-nOy.
I give you my hand and my heart.. ß ïðåäëàãàþ òåáå ñâîþ ðóêó è ñåðäöå. Ya pred-la-gA-yu te-bE svo-yU rU-ku I sEr-tse.
All I pray for God is you saying "Yes!" Âñ¸, î ÷¸ì ÿ ìîëþ Áîãà - ÷òîáû òû ñêàçàëà "Äà!" VsyO, o chOm yA ma-lyU bO-ga, chto-bee tee ska-zA-la da
I wish it so badly! Êàê ñèëüíî ÿ õî÷ó ýòîãî! Kak sIl'-no yA ha-chU E-to-vo!
Be my wife! Áóäü ìîåé æåíîþ! Bud' ma-yEy zshe-nO-yu!
Marry me! Âûéäè çà ìåíÿ çàìóæ! VEEy-di za me-nyA zA-muzsh!
We are created for each other. Say "Yes!" Ìû ñîçäàíû äðóã äëÿ äðóãà. Ñêàæè "Äà!" Mee sOz-da-nee drug dlya drU-ga. Ska-zshI da
I dream about the day when we'll be one family. ß ìå÷òàþ î òîì äíå, êîãäà ìû ñòàíåì îäíîé ñåìü¸é. Ya mech-tA-yu o tom dnE, kog-dA mEE stA-nem od-nOy sem-yOy.
I consign you my heart and ask for your consent. ß ââåðÿþ òåáå ñâî¸ ñåðäöå è ïðîøó òâîåãî ñîãëàñèÿ. Ya vveryAyu te-bEe svo-yO sEr-tse I pra-shU tva-ye-vO sog-lA-si-ya.
We feel so good together. Let's make a family. Íàì òàê õîðîøî âìåñòå. Äàâàé ñîçäàäèì ñåìüþ. Nam tak ha-ra-shO vmEs-te. Da-vAy soz-da-dIm sem-yU.
I want we always be together. ß õî÷ó, ÷òîáû ìû âñåãäà áûëè âìåñòå. Ya ha-chU, chto-bee mee vseg-dA bEE-li vmEs-te.
Let's go through life together. Äàâàé ïðîéä¸ì ïî æèçíè âìåñòå. Da-vAy pray-dyOm po zshIz-ni vmEs-te.
I want so badly we had a real family. ß òàê õî÷ó, ÷òîáû ó íàñ áûëà íàñòîÿùàÿ ñåìüÿ. Ya tak ha-chU, chto-bee u nas bee-lA nas-ta-yA-sha-ya sem-yA.
Let's create a real family. Äàâàé ñîçäàäèì íàñòîÿùóþ ñåìüþ. Da-vAy soz-da-dIm nas-ta-yA-shu-yu sem-yU.
I want so much you married me. ß òàê ñèëüíî æåëàþ, ÷òîáû òû âûøëà çà ìåíÿ. Ya tak sIl'-no zshe-lA-yu, chto-bee tee vEEsh-la za me-nyA.
Let's get married. Äàâàé ñûãðàåì ñâàäüáó. Da-vAy seeg-rA-yem svAd'-bu.
Be my wife! Ñòàíü ìîåé æåíîþ. Stan' ma-yEy zhe-nO-yu.
My heart belongs to you evermore. Be my wife! Ìî¸ ñåðäöå ïðèíàäëåæèò òåáå íàâåêè. Áóäü ìîåé æåíîþ! MoyO sEr-tse pri-nad-le-zshIt te-bE na-vE-ki. Bud' mA-yEy zshe-nOy.
We love each other so much! Ìû òàê ëþáèì äðóã äðóãà! Mee tak lyU-bim drug drU-ga!
I love you so much. ß òàê ëþáëþ òåáÿ. Ya tak lyub-lyU te-byA.
I dreamt about this day all my life ß ìå÷òàë îá ýòîì äíå âñþ ñâîþ æèçíü. Ya mech-tAl ob E-tom dne vsyu sva-yU zshisn'.
Finally I want to tell you this: ß íàêîíåö õî÷ó ñêàçàòü òåáå ýòî: Ya na-ka-nEts ha-chU ska-zAt' te-bE E-to:
When I met you for the first time I understood: it's forever. Êîãäà ÿ âïåðâûå âñòðåòèë òåáÿ, ÿ ñðàçó ïîíÿë: ýòî íàâñåãäà. Kag-dA ya vper-vEE-ye vstrE-til te-byA, ya srA-zu pO-nyal: E-to nav-seg-dA.
I need you so much. Òû òàê íóæíà ìíå. Tee tak nuzsh-nA mne.
I can't live without you. ß íå ìîãó áåç òåáÿ æèòü. Ya ne ma-gU bez te-byA zshit'.
You drive me crazy. ß ñõîæó ïî òåáå ñ óìà. Ya skha-zshU po te-bE su-mA.
You drive me crazy. Òû ñâîäèøü ìåíÿ ñ óìà. Tee svO-dish me-nyA su-mA.
I will live just for you. ß áóäó æèòü äëÿ òåáÿ. Ya bU-du zhit' dlya te-byA.
All I do is just for you. Âñ¸, ÷òî ÿ äåëàþ - ëèøü äëÿ òåáÿ îäíîé. VsyO, chto ya dE-la-yu, lish dlya te-byA od-nOy.
I want to give you all this world! ß ãîòîâ ïîäàðèòü òåáå âåñü ìèð! Ya ga-tOv pa-da-rIt' te-bE ves' mir!
Say that you love me! Ñêàæè, ÷òî ëþáèøü ìåíÿ! Ska-zshI, chto lyU-bish me-nyA!
I feel so good next to you. Ìíå òàê õîðîøî ñ òîáîþ. Mne tak ha-ra-shO sto-bOy.
Never in my life I felt myself so good. Ìíå íèêîãäà â æèçíè íå áûëî òàê õîðîøî. Mne ni-kog-dA v zshIz-ni nE-bee-lo tak ha-ra-shO.
You became everything for me! Òû ñòàëà äëÿ ìåíÿ âñåì! Tee stA-la dlya me-nyA vsem!
My happiness, did I really find you? Ñ÷àñòüå ìî¸, íåóæåëè ÿ íàø¸ë òåáÿ? ShAs-tye ma-yO, ne-u-zshE-li ya na-shOl te-byA?
I thank God that I met you. ß áëàãîäàðþ Áîãà, ÷òî âñòðåòèë òåáÿ. Ya bla-ga-da-ryU bO-ga, chto vstrE-til te-byA.
Thanks God he sent you to me. Ñëàâà Áîãó, îí ïîñëàë ìíå òåáÿ. SlA-va bO-gu, on pos-lAl mne te-byA.
You were sent me by God Òû ïîñëàíà ìíå Áîãîì. Tee pOs-la-na mne bO-gom.
You are my destiny Òû - ìîÿ ñóäüáà. Tee ma-yA sud'-bA.
I swear I'll give you my heart. ß êëÿíóñü, ÷òî îòäàì òåáå ñâî¸ ñåðäöå. Ya klya-nUs', chto ot-dAm te-bE sva-yO sEr-tse.
You are always in my mind. Òû âñåãäà â ìîèõ ìûñëÿõ. Tee vseg-dA v mo-ih mEEs-lyah.
I think of you night and day. ß äóìàþ î òåáå äåíü è íî÷ü. Ya dU-ma-yu o te-bE den' i noch.
How we lived apart all these years? Êàê ìû æèëè äðóã áåç äðóãà âñå ýòè ãîäû? Kak mee zshI-li drug bez drU-ga vse E-ti gO-dee?
What a happiness that you exist! Êàêîå ñ÷àñòüå, ÷òî òû åñòü! Ka-kO-ye shAs-tye, chto tee u me-nyA yEst'!
I can't live without you. Ìíå íå æèòü áåç òåáÿ! Mne ne zshit' bez te-byA!
You are all that I need. Òû âñ¸, ÷òî ìíå íóæíî. Tee vsyO, chto mne nUzsh-no.
Am I deserving for your love? Äîñòîèí ëè ÿ òâîåé ëþáâè? Dos-tO-in li ya tva-yEy lyub-vI?
You are all that I have. Òû - ýòî âñ¸, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ åñòü. Tee e-to vsyO, chto u me-nyA yEst'.
Believe me. Ïîâåðü ìíå Pa-vEr' mne.
I see you in my dreams. ß âèæó òåáÿ âî ñíå. Ya vI-zshu te-byA vo sne.
You come to me in my thoughts. Òû ïðèõîäèøü êî ìíå â ìîèõ ìûñëÿõ. Tee pri-hO-dish ko mne v ma-Ih mEEs-lyah.
Thank you for being yourself. Ñïàñèáî òåáå, ÷òî òû åñòü. Spa-sI-bo te-bE, chto tee yEst'.
I am the happiest man on Earth because I met you. ß ñàìûé ñ÷àñòëèâûé ÷åëîâåê íà Çåìëå, ïîòîìó ÷òî ó ìåíÿ åñòü òû. Ya sA-meey shas-lI-veey che-lo-vEk na zem-lE, pa-ta-mU chto u me-nyA yest' tEE.
I want you to be only mine. ß õî÷ó, ÷òîáû òû áûëà òîëüêî ìîåé. Ya ha-chU, chto-bee tee bee-lA tOl'-ko ma-yEy.
Let's never part with. Äàâàé íèêîãäà íå ðàññòàâàòüñÿ. Da-vAy nikag-dA ne ras-ta-vAt'-sya.
I need you more then anything else in this world. Òû íóæíà ìíå áîëüøå âñåãî íà ñâåòå. Tee nuzsh-nA mne bOl'-she vse-vO na svE-te.
I will bring you stars from the sky. ß äîñòàíó òåáå çâåçäû ñ íåáåñ. Ya das-tA-nu te-bE zvyOz-dee sne-bEs.
I thank my destiny for sending you to me. ß áëàãîäàðåí ñóäüáå, ÷òî ïîñëàëà ìíå òåáÿ. Ya bla-go-dA-ren sud'-bE, chto pas-lA-la mne te-byA.

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      SCANNED September 7, 2024

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