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Russian flag

This flag was used as naval and military ensign since 1693 at least, and was adopted as a merchant flag in 1705. On May 7, 1883 it was authorised to be used on land. However, it did not became an official national flag (State Flag) until the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II in 1896.

Popular myth traces the origin of the Russian flag to Tsar Peter the Great's visit to the Netherlands in 1699. The tsar, who went there to learn about shipbuilding, realised the need for Russia to have a flag for its navy too. Allegedly, he based Russia's flag on the flag of the Netherlands, making it a tricolour with three equal horizontal fields, but he chose Russian colors for it (the flag of the Netherlands is red, white and blue).

This story, while widely circulated, is probably a myth, as a German flag book of 1695 (predating Peter's trip to Western Europe) already describes flags of a similar design belonging to the Tsar of Muscovy. While the Russian tricolour is allegedly based on the Dutch civil ensign, it was used earlier than is commonly presumed (in fact, it was already flown by the Oriol - "Eagle" - the first battleship of the Russian Navy, in 1667).

The three colours purportedly came from the coat of arms of the Duchy of Moscow, which depict Saint George wearing white (silver) armour, riding a white horse, wearing a blue cape and holding a blue shield, on a red field. According to another version, these three colours were associated with the robes of the Virgin Mary, the holy protectress of Russia.

Yet another interpretation of the three colors is the order that they are placed reflected the Russian social system while under the monarchy: white represents God, blue represents the Tsar and red represents the peasants. A very common interpretation is the association of colours with the main parts of the Russian Empire: White thus represents White Russia (Belarus), blue the Ukraine or Small Russia ("Malorossia"), Red the Russian mainland.

The color of the stripes was then understood according to the ancient explanation of the universe ; on the bottom is a material world, higher are the skies, and the highest is the divine world. Later it began to symbolize the unity of the three Eastern Slavic Nations - Byelorussia, Ukraine and Russia.

From ancient times in Russia the three colors had special symbolic meaning ; the white stands for nobility and sincerity, the blue stands for truthfulness, commitment and purity, and red stands for bravery, valor and love.

The flag was re-instituted on August 21, 1991after the fall of the Communist Government, and on the 25th of December 2000 under Russian Federal Law " On the National Flag of Russia" was adopted. This document governs that the " National Flag" is a rectangular banner, which consists of three equal horizontal stripes; at the top consisting of a white stripe, the middle stripe is blue, and the bottom strip is red. The Russians now consider their current form of Government to be Democratic.

Meaning of the colors:

White ~ symbolizes nobleness, freedom and greatness;

Blue ~ symbol of honor, and is still considered the color of the Mother of God, Patroness of the Russian ground;

Red ~ symbolizes courage and magnanimity.

The Russian National Flag is still the official flag of the Trade Marine Fleet of Russia.

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