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Instead of Internet, some go to coffeehouse dating service

Date: 2006-12-01

Lambrecht wants to find a woman who is fun, energetic and outgoing.

The 41-year-old bachelor has tried other dating options including the online variety.

"I think the most important thing is having the same interests," he said. "Those are some of the traits I'm looking for."

In an effort to find his ideal mate, Lambrecht was the first to participate in the "Percolate a Date!" service at a downtown coffeehouse.

"Someone's got to be first," he said. "I guess I'm just assertive. Why wait?"

Layla Gigax, an office manager, said she was having a drink and chatting with a friend when Karen Richmond, owner of Cuppers Coffee House, prodded her into participating in her cafe's unique program.

"I did eHarmony and that was such a joke," she said.

Gigax said her online experience led to some suggested matches in faraway places such as Texas, Wyoming and Alaska.

"I think this is a really good way for people who are introverted to put themselves out there," she said.

The 26-year-old said her ideal partner is tall, fun and has a good sense of humor.

Gigax and Lambrecht are in a group of nearly 60 people who have short profiles that are on display in two three-ring binders at the coffee house.

"Being a single girl myself I know how hard it is as you get older to find somebody to date," said Richmond. "I think a coffeehouse is an ideal place because alcohol is not involved and because you can drink your coffee as fast or slow as you like, depending on how well you like the person."

Richmond has split the genders into two separate binders and posted the rules on the covers of each binder.

"They've got to participate to play and they've got to be single," she said.

Richmond said 56 people have profiles in the binders.

Forms break the listings down into seven categories.

The profiles contain generic information such as name, space to affix a picture, age, body type and sexual preference.

The rest of the profile asks people lighthearted, Mad Libs-style questions.

"I don't want to put people from Phoenix in here," said Richmond. "It's not just for dating, people are making friends, too."

People take a card and write a brief note with the individual code from that profile before handing it to an employee.

Staffers place the cards in the corresponding mailbox and the rest is fate.

Gigax and Lambrecht are still searching for their ideal mate.

"I got one message and it turned out really fun," said Gigax. "It was a success. We're still talking to one another."

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