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Sex poll finds city has that loving feeling

Date: 2006-12-29

EDINBURGH residents are the most amorous in Scotland, according to a new poll.

More than one in seven city residents say they make love at least once a day - higher than anywhere in the UK except Bradford, Swansea and Coventry.

The cheeky survey also found that seven out of ten Britons want to make love more often, and many fantasise about someone they know. Sixty-two per cent of women and 82% of men (72% on average) wish they made love more often, the poll found.

Around a third (31%) of people across the UK have sex twice a week, but 22% make love less than once a month.

Women are more unfaithful than men, according to the survey of more than 3,000 people. Some 40% said they had cheated, compared with 34% of men.

The Durex survey also found Scotland has some of the most promiscuous people - more than 8% of respondents in Aberdeen have slept with over 50 partners, and over 7% from Glasgow have done the same. Aberdonians are also top of the cheats' league - 50% admitting to infidelity.

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