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Internet Dating Participants Annoyed by Many Odd Responses

Date: 2007-02-05

Millions of singles are using the Internet to find romance but there is a little-known downside: managing strange responses to online dating profiles. A new website, Weird Dating Mail (), publishes the odd, inappropriate and wacky emails which typically find their way into the inboxes of singles involved in online dating websites. Weird Dating Mail creates community around this solitary and unavoidable aspect of the modern courtship ritual, relieving frustration and offering entertainment and comic relief.

Joan Conde, publisher of Weird Dating Mail, says, "When I posted some of my own weird mail on my blog, I got a terrific response. People wrote me to say that they thought the emails were hilarious, creepy and oh, so true." Joan continues, "They told me that they had also received a lot of weird mail. I realized that it was time to create a community around this aspect of the dating scene, to shine light on it, to share the innate creepiness of it, and sometimes, to have a laugh."Key to the online dating experience is the introductory exchange of email messages in response to a participant's online description, or "profile." Online daters usually invest a lot of time to create a profile with the hope that it will attract a compatible partner. In addition, they often augment their profile by answering lengthy questionnaires and/or completing personality assessment tools offered by the dating website.

But despite their efforts to create a perfect profile, every hopeful man or woman who tries online dating discovers that braggarts, fools and liars, not to mention shut-ins and guys still living in their Mom's basement or worse ... serving time, may all come knocking at their inboxes. As with frogs, you have got to receive a lot of weird mail, before you find your prince or princess.

"Weird Dating Mail" is a revealing and humorous journey through the oddities, foibles and social faux pas of the online dating community. Individual submissions are broken into a variety of amusing categories, including "Clowns," "Cradle Robbers," "Ouch!" "UFOs," and "Wishful Thinking." Individual emails are given descriptive and humorous titles - such as: "I'm With the Band," "Thank God I Have Bunions," and "Repossessed?"

Weird Dating Mail takes some of the loneliness out of an unavoidable part of the Internet dating experience. It adds a layer of humor and community to the process of using the Internet to find romance.

Weird Dating Mail

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