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LOVING couples in Haringey are being asked to put their hands in their pockets - to help others find happiness in their lives.

Date: 2007-02-08

The North London Relate Centre, which has a base in Bounds Green Road, Wood Green, has launched the unusual fundraising drive - donate for love - as a way for couples to show their appreciation of the work Relate does and help it to continue helping others who aren't so lucky.

Centre manager Martin Earl said: "I am appealing to those in the area who feel the security and love that comes with a long and happy partnership.

"We ask you to make a donation to help us to continue to support those who aren't so fortunate and may face difficulties.


"We're not just about supporting those in vulnerable relationships; even the most stable relationships can hit a bad patch for any number of reasons.

"Our counsellors are fully trained to work with couples to understand why they're arguing, why they've stopped having sex or why they're finding life hard since their baby was born."

He added: "This is about helping Relate to carry on doing the work we do - Relate counselling helps couples to survive the hard times. We'd like local couples to celebrate their strong, happy relationships and make a declaration of love to us!"

January and February are particularly busy months for Relate North London - the first week of January saw an increase of 40 per cent in new client registrations.

Counselling costs are £45 per session, but donations go towards providing services to those on lower incomes. Contact Relate North London on 020 8447 8101.

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      SCANNED September 8, 2024

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