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St. Pete woman who joined online dating service becomes victim of Nigerian scam.

Date: 2007-02-09

When Janice Simmons first bought a computer, she used online dating services to meet Mr. Right.

Eventually she started talking to a man named Edward from Africa, “It felt like I found a friend that I could finally talk to because he seemed like a nice person.

But when it all came out, he wasn't a nice person, he was more of a crook.” She says Edward started sending her ceiling fans and jewelry and there were plenty of other items.

“Everyday I came home there was boxes and boxes, my mom would say you got another box, you got another box. Wait a minute you ain't tell me you sending this, why you sending this to my house, how come you can send it straight to you and it was always excuses.”

One day the police showed up at her home, they quickly realized Janice was a victim in this scam. Sgt. Kevin Smith says crooks take advantage of people online.

“This gentlemen and particular in other cases, they do live in Nigeria and that's where a lot of the merchandise is being shipped to over to Nigeria.”

Smithsays thieves buy the items with stolen credit card numbers and have victims resend it to them, “We're receiving phone calls from other law enforcement across the country where they have victims in their cities whose credit card numbers have been compromised and orders have been placed and shipped to St. Petersburg.”

According to Smith crooks get away with it, because other countries don't usually cooperate. Janice says there's nothing officers can do, “It's not going to stop because it's worldwide.”

She says Mr. Right turned out all wrong, “It's devastating, it's very devastating to have someone take you're whole world and turn it upside down.” With love and support from her family, she has faith she'll meet Mr. Right, but it won't be online.

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