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Kazan hotels - Hotel Tatarstan

The Tatarstan is from the old, Soviet monstrosity stock of hotels. The facade has been renovated to give the impression from the outside that it might be quite a nice hotel. But once you enter the reception area any such illusions are shattered.
On offer is a mixture of renovated and non-renovated rooms. There are no non-renovated single rooms so if youÕre staying there alone, youÕre not going to find a cheap room here. Non-renovated doubles cost 1450 rubles ($55), while a ÔrenovatedÕ single costs 1900 rubles ($70) and a ÔrenovatedÕ double costs 2200 rubles ($80). If by some chance youÕre traveling in a group of five, then the five person rooms might be worth a look for 2000 rubles ($75). But otherwise you can do better elsewhere. What redeems the hotel somewhat is its great location with views onto the main street and just a short walk from the cityÕs best nightclubs. Worth considering if you plan to spend only a very small amount of time inside.
Address: Pushkina Ul., #4. Tel: 238-8379. Website:

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