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Top 10 mistakes that could leave you alone and single if you don’t change your ways:

Date: 2007-07-04

1. You can’t beat the singles blues so you are a bit depressed. Why a mistake? You should be happy and optimistic to have such a great opportunity to meet men.

2. You don’t come alone to the wedding and you talk to other girls at the wedding and reception. Why a mistake? Single guys can’t approach you. Guys can approach you more easily if you are alone, so talk to men or be alone.

3. You wear a bra. You don’t dress sexy. Why a mistake? Guys are sexual so you should be sexy to attract attention. Men love to look at and are attracted to nipples and jiggling breasts (also; it’s sexy).

4. When guests have a chance to say something to the couple at the reception, you pass. Why a mistake? Speak and show how funny and beautiful you are.

5. You don’t drink at the reception. Why a mistake? It’s okay to be a bit tipsy at the reception (be careful: just a “bit”), then to be a little flamboyant while dancing.

6. You drink too much, get drunk, and start a striptease on the dance floor. Why a mistake? You don’t act with a sense of class and femininity. You attract plenty of men, but no Good Men. Good Men are attracted to classy and feminine women.

7. You eat like a pig at the reception (wrong animal). Why a mistake? Always eat like a bird (right animal) when you want men to notice you.

8. You sit at a table at the reception and you dance infrequently at the reception. Why a mistake? Men can get to you more easily and you re more visible if you stand, preferably near the dance floor. Dance with anyone who asks you, so that all the men see you out on the dance floor, laughing, having fun, and being happy with all of the men you dance with.

9. You drive your car to the wedding, instead of getting a ride. Why a mistake? You can’t accept a ride home with some hot-looking Good Man.

10. You get in an argument with your boyfriend who hasn’t proposed yet, asking him when he will be ready to commit. Why a mistake? You should have come alone to the wedding. Your boyfriend you think is the love of your life is not in love with you enough to marry you.

by Py Kim Conant

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