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AN Adelaide woman has been duped into sending more than $30,000 to a Nigerian suitor she met on the internet

Date: 2007-07-25

The 30-year-old woman had registered with a dating agency that provided a chat room facility over the net, police said.

As a result she made contact and befriended the Nigerian who encouraged her to send him money so that he could visit her in Australia.

"The woman was keen to forge a relationship with the man and, as a result, has been dispatching money via a mailing company to him," a police spokesman said.

"Unfortunately the woman reported she has lost in excess of $30,000 and it has left her in shock and very upset at being victimised in this way."

Police said the man had been very organised in his approach, supplying photos of himself and other contact details of his staff and associates in a bid to prove his integrity.

They said the woman reported that a friend had fallen victim to an identical scam.

"This is a reminder to anyone using a computer and visiting any website," a police spokesman said.

"Please be very careful and never send money to any person or organisation unless you are 100 per cent certain it is authentic."

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