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Have you been discriminated against by a dating service?

Date: 2007-07-25

It's happened in Canada and the US. In the US, a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court against alleges gays and lesbians were refused service and thereby discriminated against.

On July 12, 2007 the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal accepted a complaint filed by Frances Moorcroft against Compatible Introductions, claiming she was discriminated against because she was charged more than the fee for male clients.

The Edge [reports] that Dale Carpenter, Julius E. Davis professor of law at the University of Minnesota Law School, believes the US lawsuit has merit and a chance of success. "Since I'm not an expert in California law I do not know how high its chances are," says Carpenter, a contributor to the Independent Gay Forum. asked discrimination lawyer [Todd Schneider] about the lawsuit.

Dating discrimination gay couple (LAS): Are there any grounds for gender or age discrimination lawsuits against these dating sites?
Todd Schneider (TS): Yes, under California law anyway. I haven't researched the laws of other states yet.

LAS: In that case, how can bars and clubs get away with cover charges for males only?
TS: Many states have specific statutory exceptions such as Ladies Nights in bars. No states that I know of have exceptions for websites.

LAS: So online dating sites that have different rates are discriminating against gender and possibly age.
TS: My view is that it is actionable discrimination. In other words, you can sue for it. The courts will sort out in the end whether there is liability.

LAS: Do you know of any companies that may be liable?
TS: We are handling a case against on behalf of a putative class of gays and lesbian plaintiffs who allege they were illegally refused service at eharmony.

LAS: But refusing service is not the same as gender or age discrimination, is it?
TS: Under California law, sexual orientation is a protected class, just like age and gender. Therefore at least under California law, this analogy is a good one.

LAS: When was this lawsuit filed?
TS: May 31, 2007

LAS: How many plaintiffs are involved?
TS: It is alleged as a class action and there is one representative plaintiff and we will be asking the court to appoint her as the class representative for all others similarly situated.

LAS: Do you foresee a backlash of similar allegations coming forward?
TS: I have seen chatter on the Internet about other dating companies but I don't know of any others at the present time.

LAS: You've been involved in other discrimination lawsuits.
TS: Yes, many.

LAS: Is this your area of emphasis?
TS: Yes. I got into this area because I believe lawyers should be protecting the rights of individuals against those more powerful than them.

LAS: Example?
TS: We just finished a case against FedEx on behalf of all African-American and Latino employees in the western region.

LAS: Was the settlement satisfactory?
TS: It resulted in sweeping injunctive relief as well as a $54.9 million settlement.

LAS: So this lawsuit might set precedence?
TS: Yes, that gay people have a right to avail themselves to the same services as their heterosexual counterparts.

LAS: What is the next step in this process?
TS: We will begin discovery which is where both sides ask the other side questions and then we move to class certification.

LAS: Do you think gender discrimination is rampant in matchmaking services?
TS: I haven't looked into the issue but it seems to me that if online dating sites are charging men and women different rates, then there could be a potential lawsuit.

Todd Schneider

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