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Knesset members slam internal security minister’s opposition to initiative annulling visa requirements for Russian tourists

Ministers from both ends of the political spectrum have attacked Monday a position held by the Internal Security Ministry, according to which visa requirements for Russian tourists should not be cancelled.

Criticism was aimed mainly at Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter (Kadima), who warned earlier that "tens of thousands of prostitutes" might enter Israel if the visa requirements were canceled.

Dichter’s fellow party member, MK Marina Solodkin, was amongst those who criticized the ministry’s position on the issue. “I have great respect for Dichter, but what he is doing is stupid, and will hurt our tourism, as well as the relationship between the two countries,” she said.

“He doesn’t understand what Russia is today. A third of the Russian population has friends in Israel, and they want to visit them. Dichter is making a mistake as a result of ignorance,” Solodkin added.

Knesset Member Yuli Edelstein (Likud), who immigrated from Russia in 1987, also did not like Dichter’s comments.

“The danger of criminals, prostitutes, and illegal residents coming from Russia is surely not greater than the danger of such people coming from many other European countries, including Eastern Europe. But for some reason, Israel doesn’t require visas for tourists from those countries,” Edelstein said.

Chairwoman of the Meretz faction, MK Zehava Gal-On, immigrated from Russia when she was four. She too was behind the proposal for canceling visa requirements for Russian tourists.

According to her, Dichter’s message could taint the reputation of new olim and tourists. She said the state should decide whether it wanted to encourage immigration and tourism, while working against the trafficking of women.

One minister who agreed with Dichter’s position was MK Colette Avital (Labor), who said that canceling visa requirements could lead to many “unsavory characters” entering Israel.

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