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The social common notion that single people choose to be single for more freedom and refuse the traditional family relationship to achieve this A survey showed that many have not married because they have not found the right partners.

Date: 2007-12-27

According to the survey conducted by the Korean Women's Development
Institute on 1,204 people aged between 27 and 56 who live alone, of those
who are unmarried, divorced, and whose spouses are dead, 38.1 percent said
they remain single because they have not found Mr. or Mrs. Right yet.

Only some 12 percent said they would never marry.

The desire to get married was strong among males; those with higher
education backgrounds; those who have never married before; and the younger
generation ? especially those in their 20s.

They also attached importance to family, unlike preconceptions that
they choose to remain single not to be involved in traditional family
structure and values. Sixty percent of them said they value family ties more
than severing them; 43 percent said their relatives are more supportive of
their troubles than their friends or neighbors; and 85 percent answered
their family's well-being comes before society's.

``Those who remain single involuntarily outnumbered those who
voluntarily decide to be single. We could not find the grounds of the common
notion that singles are individualists who attach more importance to work
than family and who seek freedom,'' a researcher of the institute said.
may not be the whole picture


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