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The Conservatives in Britain have drawn up a new plan to make immigration 'fairer and more effective' by proposing penalising relatives of foreign visitors if their guests overstay their visas.

Date: 2007-12-29

The Conservatives in Britain
have drawn up a new plan to make immigration 'fairer and more
effective' by proposing penalising relatives of foreign visitors if
their guests overstay their visas.

As per the new plan unveiled by the Tories, any
foreign visitor would require a 'sponsor'- a friend or member of the
family already resident in the UK - before being allowed into Britain.

The sponsor would be liable to prosecution if the visitor did not return home at the end of their stay, The Telegraph reported.

Among other proposals made in the plan are setting
up of a border police force, which will book employers for hiring
illegal workers.

To deter forced marriages, the plan also proposes to raise the age of foreign brides moving into Britain to 21.

The plan will now be sent to Britain's minority communities for consultation that will require next 18 months. (ANI)


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