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People are still being duped by dishonesty because schemes are becoming more sophisticatedSince the 1st of April the Russian air company Ural Airlines introduces a new sub-class for the just married. Tickets for the love-class flights can be bought only if the couple holds a certificate of marriage registration.Can A Person Be Illegal?
INCREASINGLY sophisticated and ``corporatised'' scammers are ripping offAustralians to the tune of $700 million a year, with lonely hearts thelatest target.The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says people are stillbeing duped by dishonesty because schemes are becoming more sophisticated,technology is available to reach a wider audience and approaches arebecoming more believable.``The inheritance letters you get are not the dumb ones we used to get thatused to have spelling mistakes...The so-called love-class area aboard plane is separated from thebusiness and economy classes with a cover and is equipped with special seatsthat have a bigger inclination angle than the standard passenger seats. Thecouple will also have a personal steward coming by a signal of thecall-button. Besides, love-class flights allow taking 30% more liquidsaboard in hand luggage. It is also said that love-class tickets return ispossible only if the couple provides a bill of divorce. In order to avoid in...In all the furor over rising immigration rates in the U.S. -- oftendisguised as concern over "illegal" immigration -- one story in particulardemonstrates that contrary to scare stories about the effect of immigrationon this country, the reality is that this country is often a scary andoppressive place for immigrants. And immigrant women, having drawn thedouble whammy card, are especially vulnerable. A 22-year-old immigrant fromColombia exposed her immigration agent using the threat of deportatio...
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